The Ultimate Unity of Differences

By: Jack OdinSky-Od
January 13, 2000

The Unity of Differences: Differences That Divide - Ignorances That Separate - Unities That Unite:
     What Are The Differences That Divide? What Are Identifiers?
      Physical Appearances: Black v White v Yellow v Brown v Red. Fat v Slim v Average. Short v Tall v Average. Handsome v Beautiful v Pretty v Cute v Average v Ugly.
      Gender: Man v Women, Gay v Straight.
      Religion: Jew v Muslim v Christian v Protestant v Sikh v Hindu. Atheist v Agnostic v Reform v Conservative v Orthodox v Fundamentalist.
     Belief Systems: New Testament v Old Testament v Koran v Veda v New Thought v Old Thought v Ancient Traditions v Philosophy.
     Geography: Africa v Antarctica v Asia v Australia v Europe v North America v South America v Central America. North v South v East v West v Mid-West. Coast v Plains v Mountains. State v County v City v Town v Section of Town - below the railroad v above the railroad.
Are you bored? Please don’t give up, keep reading, I promise, it will get better.
Education: High School Grad v College Grad v Masters v Ph.D. v M.D. v D.D.S. v R.Ph. v R.N. v N.D. v O.D. v Drop Out.
    Careers: Industry, Position, Job Description, Salary, Bonus, Seniority,
    Material Possessions: Cars (Brand, Size, Price), Clothes (Brand, Style, Price), Homes (Location, Size, Price),
     Wealth: Rich, Poor, Middle Class.
     Food: Eating Customs, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Italian, Mexican, Middle-Eastern,      McDonald, Wendy, Four Season.
     Go Ahead, Now Name Another Hundred That I Haven’t!
    How many ways can we be Different? Is this the struggle for us to find “Self,” the uniqueness of “Who Am I”?
     What is this compelling, neurotic, desperate need to be different? And why will we use any means possible to say, I’m Different; then look to find others that share, and embrace that difference... after all, we also need approval, acceptance, and some knowledge that our difference is valued by others.
     Then we have the other side of this difference... prejudice.
“Whitie” - Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian,“Blackie” - “Nigger,” African-American, “Spic”- Latino, Jew, Gentile, “Ginny,” “Chink,” and etc.,etc.,etc.. Are these discriminations examples of the most negative, and detrimental application of differences? No, it is not the words, it is the actions they provoke. What are the emotions, anger, fears that differences provoke?
     Who are the Chosen People? Stories, so many Stories told from year to year, century to century, millennium to millennium...from the traditions, customs, beliefs we live and die for... All, yes, All, provoke deadly differences... how many innocent people through the years, centuries, and millenniums have been killed in the name of some feared difference? Hitler was one of the extreme, and best known; but history is filled with so many massacres where thousands, millions were killed in the name of some feared difference. And sadly, today, those same feared differences are still causing death and destruction.
     Now, I challenge you to search your own thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and behavior, and realize even in some small way you share some of these feared differences... Now that you have found some of your feared differences, hold them in mind as you continue this journey with me.
      Now open your view, and take a look at our entire is a certainty, an absolute certainty that our Creator loved differences; for the Creation abounds with millions of varieties of life; from the Viruses, Bacteria, Insects, Birds, Animals, Fish, Plants, Trees, Flowers, and lets not forget Homo Sapiens (that’s you and me). Wow, what differences, much more than the Human Mind could ever conceive.
     Yet, if we take a good look, a very close look with an electron microscope we will see that the entire Creation (Our World) is made from Atoms (the periodic table lists 118 atoms with names like; Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen, just to mention a few critical ones). And, if you look closer you will see that each atom of the 118 atoms are identical, and contain protons, electrons, and neutrons and the only major difference between a Carbon atom, and an Oxygen atom, is the number of electrons they each have...yes, that’s it, so all atoms are identical yet different. Therefore, we can reduce all differences in our Physical World to just the number of electrons that an atom has. Not only that, but are you ready for this? Your Body is made from these very atoms, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and a few others (Carbon being the most widely used atom). What’s even more amazing is that the Carbon atoms that make up your body, and mine, are exactly the same Carbon atoms that make up the bodies of the Insects, Birds, Animals, Fish, Plants, Trees, Flowers, the Chair you're sitting on, the table you eat on, your computer, the dollar bills in your wallet, your car, and every organic (means contains Carbon atoms) item in your home, and in our World. Think about that!
      That means my friend, you, and I, are no different from the Cockroach, Snake, Alligator, Bee, Wasp and know, all those creatures you despise, hate, and kill; and in fact, the Carbon atoms in your Body may be from a Cockroach that was killed just before you were conceived. Interesting isn’t it? We live in a Universe (Creation) that is very efficient at recycling.
      Have we finally found “The Unity of Differences”...the indisputable common
denominator that says we are all the same? Not only are we all the same, but, the entire Physical World (Creation) is the same; you, and your car. you, and your furniture, you, and your pets, you, and your enemies, your adversaries, and you, and all that is different from you, in the hundreds of different ways, you are all exactly the same at your very essences; the Atoms that make you a Physical Organic Being.
 So How Different Are We?
      The more I have studied, encountered, and experienced the various cultures, customs, and traditions of people from different parts of the World, the more differences I have observed in how they believe, worship, live, eat, dress, play, have relationships, love, marry, and die. Yet, the more it is so obvious that the differences in how we all; believe, worship, live, eat, dress, play, have relationships, love, marry, and die, make us all the same; as we take part in the experience of living a Human Being’s Life.
     We Human Beings have another denominator, we are all “Homo Sapiens.” Would you agree, it does appear the Creator’s plan was to have differences. What would this World be like if everything, and everyone was exactly the same... Boring. We should embrace, encourage, experience, enjoy every difference we can encounter; it is to experience our Creation in all its magnificence, wonderment, and awesome expression of Life; and always remember what it is that we share.
     Who, what will I be today, this week, this month, this year, for work, for the party, for the event? How will others know Who I Am? Identify me from the crowd. Exotic Plants, Exotic Pets, Exotic Fashions, Hair, Clothes, Eyeglasses, Shoes, Handbags, Designer Labels...How can I express Who I Am? What I believe, How can I be different? Yet, be with Others?
     So the Real dilemma in differences, prejudices, discrimination is not only fear, it is not only how can I be Different and Stand out. The Real dilemma is Who Am I? It is in the end, each Human Beings search for Truth about Who Am I. That eternal question asked by the greatest Philosophers, Thinkers in each era of recorded Human History.
Is that the question deep within the mind of Humankind, which eventually sets every Human Being on a search to find the answer, a Religious, and or, Spiritual Journey. That journey is no different from a religious quest in search for God, or a sexual search for that perfect union. All are seeking a meaning, understanding, and guidance on how to live this life, and, an understanding of Who Am I.
      A short time after the journey begins a realization comes that this journey is not of the Physical World of material things, made from Atoms. And, Who Am I, cannot be expressed by any one or any number of the thousands of physical identifiers we may choose to use to express ourselves.
     Just think for a moment, what is the most basic, the most fundamental thing all Human Beings share; no matter where in World they exist, no matter what Religious, Spiritual, and Physical Identifiers they use? ... Thoughts ! That’s right, Thoughts!
     As Atoms are the basic, most fundamental units of our Bodies, of the Material things, and of the Physical World; and as Atoms are “The Common Denominator,” “The Unity of Differences” of the Physical World; Our Thoughts are of another World ... the World of Mind, and our possible connection with the Invisible World of the Spiritual. Oh, you rather call it the Mental World, and not the Spiritual World. Ok, how about the Meta-Physical World, the World beyond Physical?
(Please note: experiments have shown that plants, and other animals, especial our pets, respond to Human Thoughts, so, it very well maybe that all living Creatures, and even all of Creation share this Invisible World of Mind.)
     What are Thoughts? Can you smell, touch, see, hear, or feel Thoughts? What are their physical identifiers? None?! So, Thoughts belong to another World, The Invisible World of Mind, and may be our connection to the Meta-Physical (Spiritual) World. And, yes, Humans (that’s you and me) whether we realize it, or not, spend much of our time in this Invisible Meta-Physical (Spiritual) World, even though we are in the Physical, Material World  that we almost exclusively identify with.
     Would you agree, we now have another “Unity of Differences,” as Atoms represent ‘The Unity of Differences” for our Physical World, Thoughts, represent “The Unity of Differences” for our Meta-Physical, Mental, Spiritual World.
     You may ask, what’s the relationship between them, the Atoms, and Thoughts? What do they share in common? Is there an ultimate Common Denominator, “The Ultimate Unity of Differences?” That One most basic, most fundamental, “Entity” that is of everything, in everything, and everywhere in our World, and in all of Creation.
     Energy! What is Energy? Well, we all know we need it for our individual existence, our atoms need it, our bodies need it, our cars needed it, our homes, our factories, our electric grid, our computers ... well, lets just say that everything we can think of needs some type of Energy to Exist.
      The dictionary definition of Energy is; the capacity of a physical system to do work, the force driving and sustaining mental activity. Wikipedia describes Energy in general as “the potential for causing a change;”and more specifically, in physics; it is defined as the capacity for doing work; and in chemistry, energy is the cause and effect of all interactions between chemical species, and determines speed of any chemical reaction; in biology, it is defined as the basis for conducting living processes. All these definitions are but a small representation of what Energy is, they actually describe what is does than what it is.
     Is there any place in Creation that Energy does not exist? I would say, No, and I think our current scientific knowledge would support that answer. Energy exists everywhere in Creation, yes, everywhere. However, it seems to always be associated with the most, basic, fundamental “Entity” that we currently know; the “Holophoton.” ”Holophotons” are in, and of everything in the known Creation; and it is my firm belief, in all of Creation known, and unknown to Humankind. “Holophotons” are the “Stem-Cells” of Creation. As scientist have recently discovered the “Stem-Cells” of the Human Body are responsible for producing every type of cell that forms the Human Body. And, so it is true that the “Holophotons” are responsible for producing every type of “Energy-Form,” the cells of that make up Body of Creation. And, yes, it is “Holophotons” that form the “Stem-Cells” of the Human Body.
     We have finally arrived at the end of our journey... “The Ultimate Unity of Differences,” “The Ultimate Common Denominator of all of Creation is: the non-Vibrating, and Vibrating“Holophotons.” The ONE “Entity” everyone, everything, everywhere share, and have in Common throughout the entire Creation.
Copyright 2000-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved