May 9, 2010 2:17 PM
All of Creation is “One” at its source, which is OGE, Original God Energy, also k/Nown as Dark Energy, and Black Holes; but, that One Energy separated into individual entities at manifestation, and the Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Holophoton Energy (Souls), and the Physical World of Forms, and Space (Sound, Light, Amoeba, Plants, Insects, Animals.Human Beings, and Galaxies) were created. This can be proven by determining the vibrating energy frequency of each Form; no two energy frequencies will ever be exactly the same; and even the same forms of a species sharing a similar genetic code will be slightly different so that no two genetic codes, and no two Forms are exactly the same. That is Creation, it is, A Duality, Energy and Forms, but at its essences, its most basic, elemental being, it is Holophotons.
Many ancient traditions and some spiritual teachers of today teach that the Physical World of Forms is an Illusion; this is a flawed truth. The Creation is a duality; the Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Energy and the Physical World of Forms,and Space. All can observe the truth of this in their own existence; we have a Ego Body (Physical World of Forms) and we have Energy Body which allows that Ego Body to exist, and do work (Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Energy).
According to the dictionary an “illusion,” “is a false idea or belief; or a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived by the senses;” If it is the senses that we are trusting to determine if our Ego Body is an illusion well those senses are part of the body that they, the senses, consider an illusion. What we are suppose to believe is that the Physical World of Forms is not real. What is “Real,” the dictionary states, “actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed”. We can use science to confirm that the Physical World of Forms exist, and is fact, not imaged or supposed.
Why is the Illusion Theory flawed? Because it is only half true.
The truth is at the Source of All Creation, the Physical World of Forms, and Space, and the Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Energy all are “One;” one intelligent energy (OGE, Original God Energy, also known as “Dark Energy,” and "Black Holes"). However, the other half of this truth is; that at the manifestation of Creation, separation, and individualization of that “One,” Intelligent Energy becomes many energies, and many forms. To deny this, is to deny Creation, and your own existence.
It is the old argument “either/or,” either Evolution or Intelligent Design; either Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Energy or Physical World of Forms; the truth is BOTH are part of the whole truth, the absolute truth. Evolution, and Intelligent Design, are both part of the whole truth, and Invisible-Spiritual World of Intelligent Energy, and Physical World of Forms are both part of the whole truth.
Creation is a Duality, if it were not then all would be One, every where, and always, how boring. The confusion comes when we mix up the stage of existence we are taking about. If we are discussing the Source of Creation which exist Everywhere, and Always, then yes, all is One, and that One exist in all of Creation at the same time, so that you, and I , the birds, bees, trees, grass, stars, planets may find at our very core, at our very essence is that “One - Intelligent Energy,” and that is Real, but, the other aspect of that Duality is the Physical World of Forms, which is just as Real, and Created by that “One - Intelligent Energy” at the source of all Creation. This Duality of Creation extends into all of Creation. Einstein’s theory of E = mc², that all energy and mass (Forms) have a definite relationship. We Humans have ignored our true nature; that we are both energy, and mass, we are both an Ego Body and a Soul Energy. We are not just a Human Being but, we are a Human-Soul Being (HuSoul Being)
It is true that Ego has over taken Soul and dominates - That is the Great Ignorance of Human Beings today - We have forgotten our true nature, that we are Dual Beings - That we are a “Partnership of One.” We have lost our Soul aspect of that partnership. To say Soul is lost means, the Ego aspect of “The Partnership of One” Ignores all references to Soul; except that we acknowledge that we humans have a Soul, that is because most of our superficial spiritual beliefs, our religions, say we have a Soul; and many of us look for our “Soulmate” for that perfect partnership. Thus, Our Soul aspect is lost from our conscious awareness.
However, whether we acknowledge Soul or not … Soul exists, it is an aspect of that “One - Intelligent Energy at the Source of all Creation, and without Soul our Ego Body would not exist. We speak of “The Soul Leaving the Body at Death;” that is, its life source, its energy has departed the body; so it takes death of the body to acknowledge it had a Soul.
It appears from all the Spiritual teachers, and teachings today that many believe Human Consciousness is evolving. As with all Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design are essential to the continuation of Creation … Yes, Evolution, and Intelligent Design are both part of Creation; it is not an either/or factor, and we Humans are subject to Evolution, and Intelligent Design as part of this Creation.
For Human consciousness to evolve to its next phase; Human Beings must acknowledge their Soul Being, we must acknowledge our dual nature, our true nature, and “The Partnership of One”. This new phase of Human Evolution will be called “Universal-Soulism,” and replace or update most, if not all, organized religions, and be more closely align with indigenous, and ancient traditions. But for those who truly form “The Partnership of One,” embrace their duality, and become HuSoul Beings, organized religion if not updated will be an archaic belief.