The Partnership of One

By Jack OdinSky-Od
December 13, 2009 1:39 PM

The Partnership of One is based on the understanding that all Human-Ego Beings have a Soul-Energy Being, and that inherent in all of us Human-Ego Beings is a mandatory, latent desire to become one with our Individual Soul, our me-Soul, so that we may become complete. That mandatory, latent desire is the emptiness we feel, and try to fill with monetary, material, and physical love. After we have fill ourselves with monetary, material, and physical love we still feel the emptiness, which often leads to mental problems, and alcohol or drug use and abuse. That emptiness can never leave because it is our me-Soul being ignored by our me-Ego.  This emptiness feeling will continue until death do us part; or our me-Ego will experience it until our me-Soul is recognized, and acknowledged.
     The Partnership of One is our natural evolution and design as a Human Being Evolving into a Human-Soul Being or HuSoul Being. A Partnership of our Human-Ego Being, and our Soul-Energy Being in which each respects the role, responsibilities, and duties of the other, and promises never to infringe on the other; our Human-Ego Being manifests its duties, and activities in the Physical, and Mental realm, and our Soul-Energy Being manifest its duties in the Mental and Spiritual Realm with a constant open line of communications between us in the Mental Feeling realm, thus, we become born again into a Unified, Whole, and Complete Being, A HuSoul Being, A Partnership of One.
So, the object in achieving unity is; First, that we Human-Ego Beings understand our role in this partnership; using various technics such as Meditation, Focused Listening, ThoughtManagement, Chakra-Energy, Gut Feelings, Religious Experiences, and Intuition to become aware of our Soul’s presence, and purpose in our life. Second, we Human-Ego Being must understand that our me-Soul has been a constant companion from the day we were born; and our Soul-Energy Being has used Gut Feelings, Religious Experiences, Life Situations, Premonitions,and Intuitions in Now Moments to communicate it’s guidance to us. We Human-Ego Being, must acknowledge, understand, and obey instantaneously, and unconditionally this guidance. We all have had Gut Feelings, Premonitions, and Intuitions, Now Moments; and we all know when we ignored them there were negative consequences, and when we obeyed them positive, and wonderful results were achieved.

When we are in our infancy, and toddler phase of life we still are very much connected to our me-Soul, however, we are then forcefully indoctrinated into our me-Ego, and quickly lose contact with our me-Soul; but, the mandatory, and latent desire is there from birth, and will exert itself in various ways including hardships we will endure for our ignorance of the existence and guidance we constantly receive from our faithful, unconditionally loving, me-Soul-Energy Being.
     We Human-Ego Beings must, yes, must make ourselves always available to our Soul-Energy Being. Because our me-Soul is always available. But me-Ego is usually off with recycling Thoughts of past or future when me-Ego’s  attention should be on the present moment, and what is happening in that moment;  it is in the NowMoment that we are connected to me-Soul and we are able to receive me-Soul’s communications,by our Feelings (Vibrations), from gut or heart, those are our Soul’s communications.
     That is not to say me-Ego cannot reflect on past events, happenings, lessons, etc., but these reflections should be at a specific time, and not when involved in activities or decision making (which is the Soul’s responsibility).
If you want to satisfy that emptiness; try this simple exercise;
Throughout your day take moments where you just listen (note; Attentive Listening means you are focused on listening, and you are not thinking, you are not commenting or having inner conversation with yourself). While listening tune into all the feelings and sensations your body is experiencing at that moment … then go on with your normal activities and thoughts.Throughout your day pay attention to the feelings (tingles, vibrations) you are having especially the very subtle ones - give all feelings your full attention - ask yourself what’s the message here? what’s the guidance here? Be open to all answers, feelings, and sensations.
     Remember you are only taking moments to do this exercise, not hours. Do Not do this exercise while you are involved in any activity that requires your Attention … it should be done between activities when you can give it your Attention for a few moments., and experience listening, and feeling from within yourself. This is the beginning of The Partnership of One.
     Know this absolutely; that your me-Soul will never give you feelings or guidance that directs you to harm anyone or anything, and it will never direct you to commit any violence - you will always have a calm, loving, and creative message from the feeling if it is indeed from your me-Soul. Be aware that we all harbor Soul pretenders, those little voices in our head telling us what to do, and commenting about everything . . . All are little me-egos trying to get their way.
     Feelings come in a flash and then disappear - they disappear quickly because you started thinking about the feelings and The Thinking Process stops, cuts off The Feeling Process. They are two separate modes that require your attention to be active. So the longer you can give your Attention to the Feeling Mode the stronger the Feelings will get, and the more complete the message or guidance you will receive.
               Nine Steps to The Partnership of One, and Evolving into a HuSoul Being.
     1. Being is not Thinking, Purpose of the Thinking Process
     2. Soul Recognition, Do you have a Soul , where is it, what is it made of, how do you know?
     3. Attention is your only tool to direct your communications and actions
     4. Soul Communications, Meditation, ThoughtManagement, Chakra-Energy, Gut Feelings, Religious Experiences, Premonitions, Intuition, all in Now Moments are the Soul-Energy Being means of communicating with its Human-Ego Being partner. Communications requires two participants, a transmitter and a receiver. We must also understand that Our Soul-Energy Being does not communicate by Thoughts, but by Feelings or Vibrations, which  We Human-Ego Beings than translates in our brain into Thoughts, which often times get embellished incorrectly, and corrupted. We Human-Ego Beings must work on receiving the communications in its purest form, in a Now Moment.
     5.  The Divided Roles, and Responsibilities for me-Ego, and me-Soul in the Partnership of One:The true meaning of Ignorance and how it effects our life decisions.
    6. HuSoul Being, the next phase in Human Evolution and Design. Respecting, and Living within the defined Roles, Responsibilities, and Duties for me-Ego and me-Soul.
    7. Acknowledging, remembering, and reflecting on Soul Communications.
    8. Feelings: Premonitions, Intuitions, Gut Feelings should never be Ignored
    9. Benefits of Being a HuSoul Being, Living Life Now Moment by Now Moment.
We will take each of the Nine Steps and post an explanation of that step in the next few weeks or months. 

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